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FRAND Commitments and EC Competition Law: A Rejoinder This is a response to the reply by Damien Geradin and Miguel Rato to the article "FRAND Commitments - The Case for Antitrust Intervention" This rejoinder is a response to the reply by Damien Geradin and Miguel Rato to the article FRAND Commitme... Limitation of Liability - taking an inclusive approach An alternative approach to limiting liability in commercial contracts Lawyers advising on limitations of liability in commercial contracts often rely on concepts and terminology which are not readily understood or applied, either by themselves or, more ... Financing Briefing - Financial Restructuring of Wind Hellas This briefing highlights certain salient features of the financial restructuring of Wind Hellas, the second largest integrated operator of fixed line and mobile telephony services in Greece. This large scale restructuring, which has attracted much attent... Financing Briefing - IMO Car Wash: what it means for restructurings This briefing summarises the case of "In the matter of Bluebrook Ltd and others [2009] EWHC 2114 (Ch)", commonly referred to as the IMO Car Wash case, and considers its implications for future debt restructurings. UK Supreme Court confirms patent rights prevail over torts rights in pharmaceutical case The Supreme Court considered whether the Secretary of State/NHS had a tortious claim against an pharmaceutical company when the latter’s patent was later invalidated. One of the unique features of registered intellectual property (IP) rights is tha... Back to basics - tax relief for employer contributions Emma Game writes on tax relief for employer contributions to UK registered and unregistered pension schemes; covers spreading rules. Tax relief for employer contributions to a UK registered pension scheme is governed by normal corporation tax deductibili... Government proposes new changes to Hong Kong’s data privacy law to tackle doxxing This article concerns the proposed changes to Hong Kong’s data privacy law regarding doxxing and the new powers of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data. As foreshadowed in the paper prepared by the Hong Kong Government on the proposed reforms... BLOG: India scraps retrospective application of tax on indirect transfers: what does it mean going forward? Last week the lower house of the Indian Parliament passed The Taxation Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021 (the Bill). The Bill is significant. It removes the retrospective application of the rules on the taxation of gains arising on the transfer of shares in a f... BLOG: Litigation on an epic scale... If you say it in a deep enough voice, "litigation on an epic scale" sounds like it may be the trailer for the latest summer blockbuster which is fitting because it is actually the Court of Appeal's (CoA) verdict on what was unleashed by the dispute betwee... Competition & Regulatory Newsletter (21 July - 3 August 2021) UK government seeks to create “best in class” competition regime  UK government seeks to create “best in class” competition regime On 20 July 2021 the UK government launched a consultation setting out its vision for transfor...