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Guide to Public Takeovers in Europe A general guide which discusses key aspects of takeovers law and practice in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom This guide provides an overview of the key aspects of takeovers of listed companies in France, Germ... Interflora v Marks & Spencer Considers the use of trade marks as keywords on the internet and assesses the likely impact of the Advocate General's recent opinion in Interflora v Marks & Spencer Over the past few years, the use of trade marks on the internet has been a highly... Private actions in Competition law - Government ushers in new era for collective actions Provides an overview of the UK Government's proposed reforms of private actions in competition law On 29 January 2013, the UK Government published its plan for reform of private actions in competition law. This briefing provides an overview of t... English High Court grants disclosure of leniency materials in antitrust follow-on damages claim Considers the High Court's ruling and its likely effect on private antitrust damages actions and potential leniency applicants On 4 April 2012, the English High Court gave a long-awaited judgment on an application for disclosure of certain documents ... Who's bribing whom? Do you know, and should you care, what your suppliers are up to? Looks at how the corporate offence of failing to prevent bribery under the Bribery Act 2010 relates to outsourcing agreements and other service arrangements The Bribery Act 2010 creates a number of offences, one of which specifically affects organisation... BIS Consultation - the case for and against mandatory Considers the case for and against mandatory merger filings in light of recent BIS consultation paper: 'A Competition Regime for Growth: A Consultation on Options for Reform' The BIS consultation paper contemplates a major reform of the UK compet... Corporate directors and de facto directorship - the Supreme Court requires "something more" Examines Holland v HMRC; Paycheck Services 3 Ltd, in which the Supreme Court considered when a director of a corporate director can be considered a de facto director of the subject company This article analyses the Supreme Court's guidance on what co... Copyright protection for computer software: Functionality loses out again Discusses SAS Institute Inc. v World Programming Ltd., which looks at whether owners of computer programs can prevent unauthorised copying of their software application functionality The legal protection afforded to owners of computer programs to prevent... Why smarter procurement means better outsourcing Provides suggestions about how to move towards smarter procurement to save money and increase the likelihood of outsourcing success As the threat of cost cutting looms over nearly all public sector services and many private sector organisations, talk has... Working across the sports sector We support our clients by providing the best quality advice on complex, high value and strategic sports law matters. We represent some of the most famous sports clubs, leading governing bodies, corporate organisations as well as individual clients. With...