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Sustainability is a leadership challenge: How can companies unlock their sustainability potential? ESG considerations are increasingly a driver of corporate decision-making. In this piece, we explore how companies can redesign themselves in order to meet growing stakeholder and shareholder expectations, and regulatory pressures, among others, that are ... Sustainability: the new driver of corporate decision making ESG considerations are now steering the agenda at board level, with companies and organisations factoring sustainability into key issues within corporate strategy. In this piece, we examine the lead up to this point, exploring the rise of sustainability c... Getting Ready Series: The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures Our Sustainability team has been exploring upcoming ESG regulatory developments, helping companies to grapple the sheer volume of reporting disclosures across the UK, EU and globally. We explore the 'What,' 'When,' 'Who,' and 'Why' of TNFD reporting... How is sustainability being financed? Matthew Tobin reflects on green finance development in 2019 and what lies ahead for 2020.     Shareholder Climate Change Activism in the 2021 AGM Season - and what's coming next In this article, Jeff Twentyman and George Murray take a look at how those climate-related pressures have played out and evolved over the 2021 season, how the mood has changed, and where we are likely to go next. In April, we considered the different pre... Path to COP26: The role of competition law in tackling climate change This briefing considers the impact of these latest developments and the role that competition law can be expected to play in the effort to meet the targets that will be agreed at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November. The interplay between... COP26 Highlights pressures on corporates and finance to go green As COP26 draws to a close this week, it has sharpened the focus on efforts to transform business and the financial system, including through global sustainability standards, mandatory climate reporting and transition plans, and access to climate finance. ... Greening Finance: A UK Roadmap to sustainable investing Just before COP26, the UK government announced a number of sustainability and climate change-related policy plans, setting the tone for its negotiating position in the climate conference and beyond. In addition to the UK’s long awaited Net Zero Strategy ... COP26 - Five takeaways for GCs The Glasgow Climate Pact and conclusion of COP26 have added pressures on corporates, financial institutions and other organisations to transform the way they do business in a global effort to mitigate climate change. COP26 saw an alignment between politi... Five things you should know about setting science-based targets This video sets out the five things companies should know about committing to science-based targets through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Committing to science-based targets (SBTs) that are in line with the latest climate science can ensur...