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COP28: Discussion points for business from week 1 This year’s 28th Conference of the Parties to discuss international action on climate change (COP28) has seen energy, nature, carbon markets, finance and fairness developing as central themes.   And whilst there is pressure for governments to do mo... Getting Ready Series: Transition Plan Taskforce Disclosure Framework Our Sustainability team has been exploring upcoming ESG regulatory developments, helping companies to grapple the sheer volume of reporting disclosures across the UK, EU and globally. We explore the 'What,' 'When,' 'Who,' and 'Why' of the UK’s Transition... Getting Ready Series: International Sustainability Standards Board Standards Our Sustainability team has been exploring upcoming ESG regulatory developments, helping companies to grapple the sheer volume of reporting disclosures across the UK, EU and globally. We explore the 'What,' 'When,' 'Who,' and 'Why' of the International S... Getting Ready Series: Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive Our Sustainability team has been exploring upcoming ESG regulatory developments, helping companies to grapple the sheer volume of reporting disclosures across the UK, EU and globally. We explore the 'What,' 'When,' 'Who,' and 'Why' of CSRD reporting, pro... Getting Ready Series: EU Deforestation Regulation Our Sustainability team has been exploring upcoming ESG regulatory developments, helping companies to grapple the sheer volume of reporting disclosures across the UK, EU and globally. We explore the 'What,' 'When,' 'Who,' and 'Why' of EUDR reporting, pro... Nature – The next ESG frontier for corporates? A company’s relationship with the environment goes beyond its CO2 emissions. While boards will understandably be focused on recent climate-related initiatives, organisations should also be thinking about their impacts and dependencies on the natural envir... Putting the 'S' into ESG Environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) issues only continue to gain momentum in 2021, with policymakers, businesses and their stakeholders holding each other to greater account against various ESG issues. The conversation around ESG has long focused... Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023: Upcoming reform to limited partnerships This briefing provides an overview of the changes to the Limited Partnership regime introduced by the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (in particular the provisions requiring more information about the partners and partnership to be prov... The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023: Get your house in order     After a lengthy period of scrutiny as the Bill made its way through Parliament, the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill finally received Royal Assent on 26 October 2023, becoming the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act... Asset Managers and the ESG Tsunami: Get ready for the tide of ESG disclosures This briefing discusses the regulatory developments for asset managers in the ESG arena, with a focus on the Disclosure Regulation and the Taxonomy Regulation, and considers some of the issues and challenges they may face in light of the growing regulatio...