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Regulating Digital – Competition and privacy – the best of frenemies? In the first podcast of our Regulating Digital series, Ariel Ezrachi (Professor of Competition Law at the University of Oxford) and Jordan Ellison (Competition Partner at Slaughter and May) discuss the relationship between privacy and competition consider... COVID testing and vaccines – what comes next for employers? In this podcast, Clare Fletcher and Philippa O’Malley discuss the employment implications of COVID testing and vaccination. They reflect on the developments since their podcast on COVID testing back in July, and how workplace testing is likely to evolve a... Plan, prepare, restructure? In this podcast, our lawyers give some practical pointers on what businesses can do to build operational resilience and be prepared for future challenges. The pandemic affected large swathes of the economy, but with temporary COVID-related restrictions ea... Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Assessing support for UK capture projects The UK government has thrown its weight behind CCS, aiming to capture and store 20-30 Mt of carbon emissions per year by 2030 from across the economy. However, the cost of installing and operating carbon capture equipment, together with the cost of transp... ESG and Corporate Occupiers As employers put into place their return to office strategy, leases are now being reviewed with an ‘ESG’ lens. In this podcast, our Real Estate team discusses the increasing importance of ESG considerations for corporate occupiers. Graham Rounce, Samantha... UK Hydrogen: Key considerations for low carbon hydrogen production The UK government has doubled its ambitions for low carbon hydrogen and is now aiming for 10 GW of low carbon hydrogen capacity by 2030. However, revenue support for new build production projects is needed to make them viable, investable and bankable. Oli... Office or remote: is hybrid working? Two years after lockdown was first imposed, most businesses now have increased flexibility about where and how their employees work. But what have we learnt about the hybrid model, and can this be taken forward as we move beyond COVID-19? In this podcast,... Premier In Green: In conversation with Whitbread An increasing number of companies and treasury teams have been considering issuing green and ESG bonds. Earlier this year our financing team worked with Chris Vaughan, GC at Whitbread, on the issuance of a dual-tranche green bond. In this podcast, Chris g... Tax Disputes Podcast Series FRC publishes updated Corporate Governance Code and Associated Guidance On 24 January the FRC published the final version of the UK Corporate Governance Code 2024 (Code), with the accompanying Corporate Governance Code Guidance (Code Guidance) published a week later. This briefing looks at the key changes and highlights some ...