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P&E Update: Pensions Bulletin Topics covered in this bulletin: The Watch List 6th April, 2015 Changes DB to DC transfers: Requirement for independent advice: Transfer right under rules treasury announces consultation on pension freedoms FCA response to consultation on propos... P&E Update: Employment/Employee Benefits Bulletin (25 June 2015) Topics covered in this bulletin: Cases Round-Up TUPE: employee assigned to organised grouping despite client’s removal instruction no implied duty on employee to disclose prior allegations of misconduct discrimination against Christian worker ... P&E Update: Pensions Bulletin Topics covered in this bulletin: Tax HMRC "downgrades" its QROPS list News from the Regulator changes to DC scheme return for 2015 Pensions Regulator’s 2015 analysis of recovery plans Regulator’s annual DB Scheme Funding S... P&E Update: Employment/Employee Benefits Bulletin Topics covered in this bulletin: Collective redundancies - where are we now? Cases round-up TUPE: subcontracted services - who is the "client"? Payment to settle discrimination claim was not taxable as earnings Dress code prohibiting &... Pension Cases Supplement This supplement covers: the High Court's decision in Bradbury v BBC IBM's early retirement policy the High Court's ruling in Granada v Law Debenture the Pensions Ombudsman's determiation in relation to Firefighters' Pension Schem... Collective DC Schemes: Where are we now? The Pension Schemes Act 2015 providing the legislative framework for Collective DC Schemes received Royal Assent on 3rd March, 2015. Since then: we have had a General Election in which the then Pensions Minister (Steve Webb) lost his seat we have a n... Views of Dr Ros Altmann (the new Pensions Minister) previously expressed on Collective Defined Contribution Schemes Below is a summary of what Dr Altmann has said in the past in relation to collective defined contribution (CDC) schemes: A. INTRODUCTION 1. Dr. Ros Altmann was appointed Minister of State for Pensions on 11th May, 20151. 2. This note summarises wh... Demand guarantees: the consideration dilemma A curious problem has emerged in the context of demand guarantees (sometimes called "performance bonds" or "independent guarantees"). Consideration, a necessary component of a valid contract under English law, is frequently absent or ... Collective benefit schemes in the UK: Where have we got to? This paper was prepared by Philip Bennett for the IPEBLA annual conference workshop on defined ambition/shared risk/collective DC plans and other innovative designs Covers the UK background to legislation to establish collective benefit schemes, the move... EMIR - Gearing up for Clearing - PART II An overview of the structure of client clearing, together with key points for consideration when choosing a clearing member to enter into client clearing arrangements with. With mandatory central clearing of OTC derivative transactions through central co...