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FCA: New competition powers and handbook amendments A discussion of the new self reporting requirements for authorised firms inserted into the FCA Supervision Manual persuant to its concurrent competition powers. On 15 July 2015, the FCA published its final guidance on the use of its new concurrent comp... CDC: The EU weighs in on common tactics in competition litigation A discussion of the CJEU's ruling in CDC Hydrogen Peroxide SA v Akzo Nobel & Ors on the use of "anchor defendants" in cartel damages claims. The highest court in the European Union has ruled on techniques commonly used by claimants to... P&E Update: Pensions Bulletin Abolition of DB contracting-out: Regulations for formerly contracted-out schemes made and laid; Finance (No.2) Bill 2015: Pensions measures; July, 2015 Budget; Discrimination arising from disability. Topics covered in this bulletin: The Watch List Ne... P&E Update: Employment/Employee Benefits Bulletin Employee involvement in the formation of Societas Europaea and Cross-Border Mergers; Trade Union Bill 2015-16; Holiday carry over due to sick leave limited to 18 months. Topics covered in this bulletin: New Publication Employee involvement in the f... The July 2015 Pensions Budget Supplement Slaughter and May Briefing: The July 2015 Pensions Budget Supplement. This paper summarises changes announced or confirmed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 8th July, 2015 that impact on pension schemes or are otherwise of interest. P&E Update: Employment/Employee Benefits Bulletin (09 July 2015) Topics covered in this bulletin: Stop Press Summer Budget 2015 New Publication holiday pay Cases Round-Up NI Court of Appeal: Holiday pay should include voluntary overtime collective redundancies: trigger and special circumstances Court of... The NIS Directive: Genesis, Status, and Key Aspects Overview of the European Commission's proposed NIS Directive, focusing on its formation, current status and likely key aspects The European Commission's proposal for a Network and Information Security Directive concerning measures to ensure a hig... State Aid 2015 - United Kingdom chapter State aid control is one of the cornerstones of EU law. The latest edition of Getting the Deal Through: State Aid explores key questions in each of the 12 jurisdictions covered. We have co-authored the Overview Chapter and contributed the UK Chapter to t... State Aid 2015 - Overview chapter State aid control is one of the cornerstones of EU law. The latest edition of Getting the Deal Through: State Aid explores key questions in each of the 12 jurisdictions covered. We have co-authored the Overview Chapter and contributed the UK Chapter to t... A digital single market: the European Commission unveils its strategy As the global economy becomes increasingly digital, the European Commission has set the creation of a digital single market as one of its key priorities. This briefing discusses the Commission's recently published Digital Single Market Strategy, focu...