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A year of new frontiers: The 6th year of antitrust enforcement in Hong Kong Despite the continued challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the past year has been a year of progress and robust competition enforcement in Hong Kong. We saw developments across the board, including the first abuse of substantial market power case, a... Competition & Regulatory Newsletter (8 - 21 December 2021) In December 2021 the Competition and Markets Authority published two updated procedural guidance documents. The revisions alter the CMA’s penalty calculation methodology and remove the ability of settling parties to appeal against an infringeme... The boundaries of indirect enforcement of foreign revenue law Autonomous non-commercial organization "Organizing Committee of XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi" v Pico Projects (International) Ltd [2021] HKCA 1798. We examine the application of the rule ag... BLOG: Global minimum tax model rules The model rules for Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) (a.k.a. Pillar Two of international tax reform) set a template for a jurisdictional-level corporate minimum tax system applying a minimum effective rate of tax (ETR) of 15%. This is expected t... International accords on tax, but what will happen next The BEPS project has made significant progress internationally and in domestic implementation in many countries – but in recent times its objectives have been forced to change and there is uncertainty as to whether or not the initial aspirations wil... Sustainability-linked loans in 2021 - Mainstream but not "standard" Sustainability-linked or “ESG” loans which link pricing to the attainment of certain ESG targets are widely available. We consider the emerging trends in 2021 in ESG lending and the key areas where market practice has not yet settled. In the ... Banking Sector – Hot Topics, Winter 2021/22 Our winter 2021/22 edition of our Banking Sector Hot Topics series discusses some of the key developments currently affecting the sector. We look at UK regulatory reform and changes to the UK banking prudential regime push on, with an emphasis on achievin... EFIG: European Banking Newsletter - December 2021 Developments in this month's edition include: Climate change - ECB pledge on climate change action Green bonds - ECB published opinion on a proposal for a regulation on European green bonds Resolvability and crisis readiness - SRB publishes 2022 ... Attracting more IPOs to London - new Listing Rules come into force On 3 December 2021 the Listing Rules were amended to permit companies to list on the premium segment with a certain type of dual class share structure (DCSS) and to reduce from 25% to 10% the percentage of shares that a listed company must have in public ... Asset Management – Hot Topics, Winter 2021 Many of the themes discussed in our previous Spring 2021 edition remain relevant, and issues such as ESG and sustainability continue to dominate the sector. Welcome to the Winter 2021 edition of our Asset Management - Hot Topics series. Many of the ...