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EFIG: European Banking Newsletter - March 2022 Developments in this month's edition include: SREP 2021 results - the ECB publishes the SREP 2021 COVID-19 - ECB announces no further extension of capital and leverage relief for banks Pilatus Bank and another v European Central Bank (Case T-27/1... Parallel Reviews - Parallel Decisions? A look back at the first 12 months of EC & CMA merger reviews A look back at the first 12 months of EC & CMA merger reviews. One year of post-Brexit parallel merger control reviews by the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority and the European Commission has seen the authorities diverge in several cases. ... BLOG: Is tax gender-neutral?   A recent OECD report, based on a July 2021 survey of 43 countries, including from the G20, the OECD and beyond, found few examples of explicit bias (i.e. where tax rules differ by gender). But more than half of the respondent countries saw a ... Hong Kong Implements a Comprehensive Regime on the Regulation of Virtual Assets Licensed intermediaries are permitted to provide a range of services related to virtual assets (VAs) to professional investors, subject to complying with a suite of investor safeguards. The safeguards include partnering only with SFC-licensed VA trading p... A closer look at the approach of Hong Kong courts in determining legal challenges against delisting decisions In the past year, we have seen a number of failed attempts to challenge the decisions made by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Exchange) to cancel the listing of certain issuers by way of judicial review. The latest attempt was made by Up Ener... Pensions Bulletin - February 2022 Pensions dashboards; Climate risk governance and reporting; International Data Transfer Agreement; Collective Money Purchase Schemes; trustee decision to pay death benefits to dependant In this month’s Pensions Bulletin, we cover: Consultation o... Competition & Regulatory Newsletter: General Court protects the European Commission from financial liability for its errors in assessing the UPS/TNT merger On 23 February 2022 the European General Court refused to award the €1.742 billion claimed by UPS from the European Commission, despite finding that the Commission breached its procedural rules when it blocked UPS’s acquisition of rival, TNT. ... 'Living with COVID' - what does this mean for employers? On 21 February 2022, the government unveiled its Living with Covid strategy, detailing how England will move into a new phase of managing COVID-19. This briefing summarises the key points of the strategy, and the implications for employers. On 21 Febru... Reforms to UK Solvency II - next steps HM Treasury has announced its next steps in the upcoming reform of UK Solvency II.  In a speech at the ABI annual dinner, economic secretary to the Treasury John Glen outlined some of the topics which will be included in HMT’s forthcoming consu... Tax and the City Review for February 2022 Mike Lane and Zoe Andrews discuss the uncertain tax treatment guidance; Embiricos on partial closure notices; the UK’s consultation on global minimum tax rules; and improvements to the tax rules on UK securitisations. This article was first publish...