Hydrogen, CCUS and Greenhouse Gas Removals
The use of low carbon hydrogen, and the deployment of Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) and mechanical Greenhouse Gas Removal (GGR) technologies are increasingly recognised as necessary to deliver net zero targets, enabling emissions reductions in sectors which are hard to abate.
We act for entities involved at every stage of the emerging hydrogen, CCUS and GGR value chains and are well-versed in balancing the needs of the various stakeholders. Our clients include generators, utilities, energy traders, network operators, gas storage operators, oil and gas companies, governments, regulators, funders and investors, industrial emitters and transport sector clients.
We are working on some of the first projects in the UK and internationally, where we have been advising clients in depth on project structuring, regulation, and support schemes. We regularly engage with industry, investors and governments on the development of the emerging regulatory frameworks in this area, including via our active involvement in the UK as members of Hydrogen UK, and the Carbon Capture and Storage Association.
What sets us apart is our ability to tackle complex legal issues, our understanding of investor requirements in first-of a-kind projects, and our experience in designing and negotiating regulatory frameworks and standards with governments and regulators. We are experienced in delivering ground-breaking projects in the context of emerging regulatory frameworks and nascent markets, both in the UK and internationally.
We advise the full suite of project development, commercial contracts, corporate and M&A, and financing services.
Drax Power Limited in connection with its Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage Project to capture approximately 8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per annum at its site in Selby, North Yorkshire, the largest BECCS project in the world
We are acting as lead global counsel to Hyphen Hydrogen Energy on the multi-billion US dollar structuring and development of a vertically integrated large scale green hydrogen project in Namibia including renewable generation, water desalination, electrolysis, hydrogen and ammonia production, storage, transport and shipping, and associated grid and port infrastructure.
We are advising INEOS E&P A/S on Project Greensand, Europe’s first full chain carbon capture and storage pilot project. The project, led by INEOS and Wintershall Dea, is being supported by a consortium of 29 companies including major international companies and small Danish start-ups.
Kellas on all aspects of its up to 1GW blue hydrogen project known as H2NorthEast, including EPC contracts, technology licences and O&M contracts, financing and partnering strategy, offtake arrangements and engagement with government funding schemes
We are advising Marubeni Europower in relation to all aspects its first green hydrogen project in the UK in partnership with Bridgend County Borough Council, including the EPC, Government support, hydrogen offtake, power purchase and joint venture arrangements.
We are advising Spirit Energy on its proposed CO2 cluster project involving its infrastructure at South Morecambe and North Morecambe gas fields and Barrow onshore gas terminal, set to be one of the largest carbon storage and hydrogen production clusters in the UK.
We advised BEIS on the early development of carbon capture and storage policies, including the associated regulatory, procurement and State aid considerations.
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All Hydrogen, CCUS and Greenhouse Gas Removals publications
An exceptional team experienced in working on large-scale green hydrogen projects. They have an exceptional depth of knowledge and are very solution-oriented. Legal 500 UK