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Court of Justice issues landmark judgments for sports governance On 21 December 2023, the European Court of Justice handed down three watershed judgments for sports governance and international sports competitions. The Court held that certain rules set by sports governing bodies including FIFA, UEFA, and the Internatio... EU AI Act - Political Agreement reached After months of fierce debate, political agreement was finally reached on the EU’s landmark AI Act on 8th December 2023. Ursula von der Leyen described it as “the first-ever comprehensive legal framework on Artificial Intelligence worldwide” and it is tru... Financial Regulation group's banking and investment services column for Practical Law - December 2023 Our December 2023 column for Practical Law Financial Services subscribers on topical developments in the banking and investment services sector. Nick Bonsall, Selmin Hakki and Emily Bradley, from the Financial Regulation group, publish their latest colum... Abolition of lifetime allowance and introduction of new tax-free lump sum allowances The tight timetable for removing the lifetime allowance (LTA) on 6 April 2024 was confirmed at the Autumn Statement. The lengthy and complex legislation required to achieve this, and to introduce two new tax-free lump sum allowances, is included in the Fi... PS23/16 - FCA publishes final rules on sustainability disclosure requirements and investment labelling Following its consultation CP22/20 issued in October 2022, the FCA has finally published its Policy Statement setting out its final rules and guidance on sustainability disclosure requirements and investment labelling for sustainable investment products. ... Key developments in contentious DP in 2023 Year-on-year, data becomes more of a concern for individuals, organisations and regulators as both commercial opportunities and regulatory risks increase. The GDPR kicked off the latest phase of the data revolution in May 2018 and has since been followed ... M&A deals under the microscope In recent years, dealmakers have grappled with an increasingly interventionist and unpredictable regulatory environment for M&A. However, there are signs that the momentum of interventionism is beginning to change with calls from politicians to make m... Private capital's year of building momentum: Is the stage set for 2025? 2024 remained a challenging year for private equity fundraisings, investments and exits. Assets purchased in the era of cheap leverage and high multiples remained locked, with many auction processes failing to take off or being interrupted, while macro-ec... M&A health-check: will favourable conditions and regulatory easing drive M&A growth in 2025? 2024 was a mixed year for dealmaking, with deal values, if not volumes, increasing compared to 2023. Whilst private capital saw a moderate increase in activity, 2024 has been notable for the significant uptick in larger corporate-to-corporate activity in ... Private equity: the evolution of an industry Since the advent of the modern private equity industry in the early 1980s, private equity houses have traditionally adopted the classic model of a buyout fund, raising capital from a club of large institutional investors to fund acquisitions and drive gro...