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How to design a digital services tax In the Budget, The Chancellor announced the introduction of a “narrowly targeted” Digital Services Tax.   It is indeed narrowly targeted, focused only on businesses that provide social media platforms, search engines or online market places and  generate ... Exploring technological solutions for the Irish border post Brexit Over the last week or two there has been lots of debate about unnamed 'technological solutions' for avoiding a hard border in Ireland. So what are these mooted solutions?  Firstly, we need to establish what this type of border is usually used for, taking ... What's in store for 2019? Predicting the future is an art, not a science, and it remains to be seen whether many of the predictions for 2019 in this trend forecasting report (which include progress towards flying cars from Uber and the popularity of black shades in interior design... Alexa, have we been hacked? Internet users have so far only had to worry about computers and smartphones being protected against hackers. Whether they download a package or stick with the software provided with their computer or broadband supplier, help is just a click away. It ... A call for innovation in stamp duty The Victorians designed a stamp duty collection system that required one or more coloured stamps to be embossed on a document at one of the local stamp offices around the UK.  This machinery is still in use! There is now only one stamp office, in Birmin... Data, experimentation and innovation All businesses face the challenge of managing hugely increasing volumes of data, ranging from usage data derived from their systems and devices, to secondary data sources such as social media or customer reviews. Most organisations recognise that leveragi... The societal impact of digitisation Deliveroo has not made it onto the Financial Times' list of European digital champions this year, after splitting the jury over its decision to treat delivery drivers as self-employed. Despite the undeniable impact the company has had on disrupting the re... AI: dressed for success An AI algorithm has successfully learned how to dress itself, even adapting when researchers changed the starting position and shape of the clothing. In a way that might seem familiar to those of us who are not naturally "morning people", researchers "rew... Busting myths about blockchain and operational costs The Global Data Thematic Research Summit held today raised some interesting questions about the promises made by distributed ledger tech and blockchain evangelists. One of the biggest myths is that blockchain could save organisations millions in operation... Taxing GIG workers Uber is apparently going to collect tax from its Mexican drivers.  The UK is also struggling to work out how to collect tax from GIG workers. Self-employment numbers are rising and the proportion of UK tax revenues collected via PAYE are falling. The UK’s...