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The Lugano Convention: A setback for UK accession, but we’ll always have The Hague The UK’s chances of re-joining the Lugano Convention, an international agreement on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments, have been dented by the European Commission’s recommendation that the EU not consent to the UK’s accession application. The ... Brexit has happened – so what’s next for securitisations? The Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the UK and the EU that has applied since then does not deal with the regulatory detail of cross-border financing transactions. Accordingly, in the context of securitisations, the EU Securitisation Regulation con... Reflections on the EU-UK Co-operation Agreement The EU-UK Trade and Co-operation Agreement (the TCA), which came into provisional effect at 11pm on 31 December, is welcome in terms both of what has been achieved, and in providing a more cordial basis for future EU-UK relations and co-operation. The EU... Brexit has happened - so what next for Debt Capital Markets? One month ago, at 11:00 pm on New Year’s Eve, the Brexit implementation period ended and the UK left the EU single market. The Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the UK and the EU that has applied since then does not deal with the regulatory detail o... Beyond Brexit: Competition law and subsidy control in EU-UK Agreement In this briefing, we discuss the implications of the competition law and subsidy control commitments in the new EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. After many months of challenging negotiations set against the backdrop of a global pandemic, the EU and... A reprieve for EU-UK data flows but other data privacy implications of Brexit remain Many businesses will have breathed a sigh of relief following the announcement of interim arrangements for data flows in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement of 24 December. The continued free flow of personal data from the EU to the UK for a tempora... Brexit preparedness check: customs and trade in goods The briefing, produced jointly by the Best Friends group of BonelliErede, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Hengeler Mueller, Slaughter and May and Uría Menéndez, provides an overview of the anticipated arrangements for the movement of goods between the UK a... The ECB eligibility criteria and asset purchase programmes after the Brexit implementation period In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, central banks across the world set out a range of monetary stimulus packages. One such scheme is the European Central Bank’s Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (“PEPP”), aimed at supporting Eurozone monetary policy... Preparing Pension Schemes for Brexit In his latest podcast Richard Goldstein focuses on Brexit - specifically the actions pension schemes should be taking now in preparation for 1 January 2021, when the transition period comes to an end. The podcast is split into three sections... Brexit: Will there be a deal? The Brexit talks are ongoing – until a deal is in clear sight, businesses must remain mindful of the WTO alternative. This briefing, prepared by Tolek Petch, lawyer in our trade unit, contains a reminder of the key aspects of the WTO regime. On 31 Januar...