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Data Protection and Privacy Newsletter In this issue: Data Protection Bill; Regulator Guidance on the GDPR; e-Privacy Regulation; Direct Marketing; International Transfers; Data Breach; Views from... Hong Kong; How we can help you with GDPR; Data Protection and Privacy at Slaughter and May In ... P&E Update: Employment/Employee Benefits Bulletin employment law 2018; employee’s data breach; Whistleblowing; Unlawful inducement; perceived disability; unambiguous impropriety ; Gender pay gap reporting; IA register of FTSE companies; GDPR: Topics covered in this bulletin: New Law What to expect in em... P&E Update: Pensions Bulletin PPF Levy Determination; Consultation on bulk transfers; MiFID II; Auto-enrolment; Safeguarded benefits; FAS long service cap consultation; Unpaid scheme contributions; Pension scams report; Withholding tax Topics covered in this bulletin: The Watch List N... Tax and the City briefing for January 2018 Mike Lane and Zoe Andrews review some welcome developments for banks, some complex legislation on interest restriction, and final HMRC guidance on penalties for enablers and hybrids The Autumn Budget and Finance Bill 2018 contain some welcome development... Competition and Regulatory Newsletter European merger control and cartel trends in 2017 European merger control and cartel trends in 2017 The European Commission publishes cartel enforcement and merger control statistics at regular intervals. This article looks back at the Commission’s activi... The New EU Securitisation Regulation On 28 December 2017 the new Securitisation Regulation (Regulation EU 2017/2402) and the related CRR Amending Regulation (Regulation EU/2017/2401) were published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Together, they represent the most significant r... Competition and Regulatory Newsletter Germany hits Facebook for data collection Germany hits Facebook for data collection On 19 December 2017 the Bundeskartellamt informed Facebook of its preliminary legal assessment in the abuse of dominance proceeding it had initiated in March 2016. The Bu... LIBOR: Goodbye to all that The announcement by Andrew Bailey, chief executive of the Prudential Regulation Authority, in July that the FCA will no longer facilitate the production of Libor has been widely interpreted as raising serious questions about the sustainability of the benc... Competition Law in China A summary of the key provisions of the Anti-Monopoly Law in the People's Republic of China, including recent merger cases and private litigation claims The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has a comprehensive system of competition law under its Anti-Monop... COMESA: A competition regime for the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa An overview of the COMESA competition rules in the areas of antitrust, merger control and consumer protection The COMESA Competition Commission (CCC) is charged with enforcing the supranational competition regime of the Common Market for Eastern and South...