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Competition and Regulatory Newsletter Court of Justice provides clarity on the concept of “competitive disadvantage” in its recent MEO ruling Court of Justice provides clarity on the concept of “competitive disadvantage” in its recent MEO ruling On 19 April 2018 the European Court of Justice ... P&E Update: Pensions Bulletin White Paper inquiry; Data protection charges; HMRC digital platform; Replacement of principal employer; Auto-enrolment fixed penalty notice; Insolvency and Corporate; Governance consultation Topics covered in this bulletin: The Watch List New Law White P... Tax indemnities: lessons from recent litigation Richard Jeens and Charles Osborne look at some recent cases on tax indemnities which highlight the practical points to consider when drafting an indemnity and managing any subsequent claims. If the eventual cash outcome of a tax indemnity in a private M&... Employment Bulletin Pay freeze not validly implemented; notice provisions matter; enhanced pay for shared parental leave?; Travel time may be working time; Women on boards; Horizon scanning Topics covered in this bulletin: Pay freeze not validly implemented Why notice provi... The Class Actions Law Review Richard Swallow and Mark Hughes are the authors of this second edition of The Class Actions Law Review. This PDF includes the chapter on Hong Kong and is written by Mark Hughes and Kevin Warburton, counsel in Slaughter and May’s Hong Kong... Hong Kong Launches New listing Regime The Hong Kong Stock Exchange’s new listing regime has come into effect The Hong Kong Stock Exchange’s new listing regime has come into effect. The regime allows: (1) innovative companies to primary list with weighted voting rights; (2) innovative US or Lo... Hong Kong Launches New Rules on Biotech Listings Our Client Briefing on Biotech Listings focusses on the regime for pre-revenue biotech companies The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Exchange) has concluded its consultation on a listing regime for emerging and innovative companies and finalised ... Raising the Bar: Global Expansion of Foreign Investment Controls This article looks at developments over recent months that demonstrate a global expansion of foreign investment controls Raising the Bar: Global Expansion of Foreign Investment Controls Developments over recent months demonstrate that leading regulatory r... Competition and Regulatory Newsletter UK government consults on its statutory review of the competition regime and its Strategic Steer to the CMA UK government consults on its statutory review of the competition regime and its Strategic Steer to the CMA The UK government has announced the lau... P&E Update: Employment/Employee Benefits Bulletin Shared parental leave; negative reference; Unlawful exercise of malus provision; bumping on redundancy; BEIS inquiry; Gender pay gap reporting; GDPR; Childcare voucher scheme Topics covered in this bulletin: Cases Round-up Shared parental leave: failure ...