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European Commission clarifies sustainability rules in revised horizontal guidelines On 1 June 2023, the European Commission published its long-awaited revised guidelines on horizontal cooperation along with revised Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations on R&D and Specialisation agreements.  This briefing focuses on the sustaina... Water security and scarcity: rising up the political and corporate agenda Water security is a tier one issue for many societies and businesses, yet for years it has had a lot less attention than other sustainability-related issues, including greenhouse gas emissions reduction. The UN and the investment community are now bringin... BLOG: Hargreaves Property Holdings v HMRC: Beneficial entitlement and “yearly” interest The Upper Tribunal’s decision is a helpful ‘back-to-basics’ on the nature and purpose of the provisions on withholding tax on interest income and a good reminder that the courts are becoming increasingly comfortable with leveraging the Ramsay principle (b... Insurance Newsletter - June 2023 In this newsletter we discuss: the bulk annuity market, the introduction of the Consumer Duty, cyber risk for insurers, and ongoing COVID-19 business interruption cases. In this newsletter we discuss: The bulk annuity market The introduction of the C... Loan Market Association launches draft provisions for sustainability-linked loans In May 2023, the LMA published draft provisions for sustainability-linked loans (the Draft Provisions). In this briefing, we introduce the key components of the Draft Provisions, touch on the breadth of their application and consider how borrowers might u... New Regulatory Requirements for Virtual Asset Trading Platform Operators come into effect This briefing highlights the main features of the licensing regimes, the key requirements under the VATP Guidelines, details on the transitional arrangement, as well as practical steps for VATP operators.   INTRODUCTION The Securities and Futures C... (L)IBOR Transition: Headlines and deadlines The LIBOR transition process is in its final stages, with the final five USD LIBOR settings due to cease publication on 30 June 2023. Our latest briefing provides a reminder of the approach to LIBOR transition in loans, bonds and derivatives, and summaris... BLOG: And what about Brexit? During a debate on the Spring Finance Bill, Gareth Davies, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, emphasised the UK government’s intention to take “full advantage of the opportunities arising from the UK’s exit from the European Union”, and to “make the mos... Competition & Regulatory Newsletter: European Commission clears Microsoft/Activision Blizzard subject to conditions On 15 May 2023, the European Commission approved the proposed acquisition of Activision by Microsoft, subject to conditions. Following an in-depth review of the deal, the Commission concluded that the licensing commitments offered by Microsoft would fully... CEE Legal Matters Guide: UK Chapter Slaughter and May was invited to be the exclusive country contributor to the CEE Legal Matters Comparative Legal Guide: Capital Markets 2023 for the UK. The CEE Legal Matters Comparative Legal Guide: Capital Markets 2023 offers an overview of k...