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EU AI Act to become law this summer The final vote on the EU AI Act was passed yesterday (21st May), clearing the way for the Act to come into effect this summer.  While political agreement was reached in December (see blog) further work was needed to finalise the details before the Europea... Cyber threats evolving as a result of new technologies, warns ICO Cyber attacks are happening more frequently and will become increasingly sophisticated thanks to new technologies– organisations need to react accordingly.  This was the message from the ICO in their report entitled “Learning from the mistakes of others” ... Tax Disputes Podcast – Nigeria Our “trip” through tax disputes landscapes around the world is sadly nearing its end (and by “trip”, I mean a six-part podcast series on tax disputes in G20 countries across six continents). This stop in Nigeria marks the penultimate episode in the series... Smarter regulation? Data privacy impact of the Government’s deregulation agenda On 16 May 2024, the UK Government released a White Paper on “Smarter Regulation: Delivering a regulatory environment for innovation, investment and growth”. The White Paper is the Government’s full formal response to the 2023 Call for evidence “Smarter Re... ICO looks at individuals’ rights in GenAI The fourth chapter of the ICO’s s series consulting on GenAI focusses on individuals’ rights and how to engineer these into GenAI models. The chapter does not consider the right to rectification as this was covered in a previous chapter (see our blog) or ... ANNd here we go: UK IPO releases its updated guidelines for examining patent applications relating to AI Last week, the UK IPO released its updated guidelines for examining patent applications relating to AI. This hotly anticipated re-release follows a temporary period of suspension of the guidelines after the High Court’s decision in Emotional Perception AI... Tax Disputes podcast - India In the fourth episode of our round the world Tax Disputes podcast series, we take you to India for a conversation with Mukesh Butani, founder and Managing Partner of BMR Legal Advocates, Sarah Osprey, tax partner and member of Slaughter and May’s Tax Disp... ICO and Ofcom set out collaboration on supervision of online services The ICO and Ofcom have published a joint statement on how they will collaborate to implement the vision they set out in their 2022 statement for a clear and coherent regulatory landscape for online services, ensuring compliance with both regimes.  Whilst ... Tax Disputes Podcast - Australia In the third episode of our podcast series on tax disputes, Angela Wood, National Practice Group Leader of Clayton Utz Tax Practice, guides Richard Jeens, Co-Head of Slaughter and May’s Tax Disputes Practice, and me through the Australian tax litigation l... ICO publishes strategic approach to AI On 1st May, the ICO published it strategic approach to regulating AI. This was in response to a government request asking key regulators to set out their approach to AI regulation by 30th April.   Background to government request The UK’s approach to AI r...