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Showing 10 of 679 results for "brexit"
Brexit_briefing_implications_for_intellectual_property_1321.pdf Brexit essentials: Renegotiation of the UK's relationship with the EU Discusses the reform package agreed upon at the recent European Council summit, the extent of the Prime Minister's success in achieving his proposals for reform, and how this may affect the outcome of the referendum. Prior to the "in/out"... BLOG: Carbon Pricing: making polluters pay post-Brexit In many countries carbon pricing has become a key part of the journey to decarbonisation. Currently, the World Bank reports that there are 64 carbon pricing initiatives around the world which have either been implemented or are scheduled for imp... Brexit preparedness check: customs and trade in goods The briefing, produced jointly by the Best Friends group of BonelliErede, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Hengeler Mueller, Slaughter and May and Uría Menéndez, provides an overview of the anticipated arrangements for the movement of goods be... And what about Brexit? During a debate on the Spring Finance Bill, Gareth Davies, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, emphasised the UK government’s intention to take “full advantage of the opportunities arising from the UK’s exit from the European Union”, and to “make the mos... Some reflections (and concerns) over the ‘Brexit Freedoms Bill’ As the legal, business and political communities continue to consider the implications and likely outcomes of the UK’s government’s proposal for a so-called ‘Brexit Freedoms Bill’ (and associated policy paper on ‘The benefits of Brexit’), a few reflection... Brexit carries on: the EU and UK are reforming their securitisation regulations separately The truism “Brexit is a process rather than an event” holds good for securitisers. More than five years ago, the referendum made huge political headlines but it did not change the law. Instead, the expiry of the Brexit implementation period at the end of ... UK to capitalise on post Brexit independence in new data strategy Last week was a busy one in the world of data - the UK Government published its response to the National Data Strategy consultation, and laid the ICO’s Data Sharing Code of Practice before Parliament. In relation to the strategy response, the Government c... Looking beyond Brexit The UK/EU deal After much uncertainty throughout the Brexit transition period that any UK/EU deal was going to be possible, the Trade and Co-operation Agreement was finally reached at the last minute on 24 December 2020.  As widely anticipated, agreement ... GDPR extra-territoriality in a post-Brexit world As UK and EU businesses grapple with the complexities of the post-Brexit world, one of the first key questions for businesses from a data privacy perspective is whether their processing is subject to the UK or EU regime (or both). We discuss in our briefi...