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The Dutch prudential regulator’s measures for banks in response to COVID-19 In March, the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) announced a number of measures for banks in response to COVID-19, in large part following the approach and recommendations of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Banking Authority (EBA). The most importa... EP suggest amendments to draft AI and IPR report As AI solutions continue to become more commonplace, what to do about IP rights for AI developments and deployments are becoming more pressing concerns.  Difficult issues are being debated by international organisations such as the World Intellectual Prop... A sense of déjà vu: VAT cuts as a fiscal response to the COVID-19 crisis It was reported that the UK Treasury is considering temporarily cutting VAT rates in a bid to boost consumer confidence. In doing so, it would follow in the footsteps of other European countries, such as Germany, which announced at the start of June that ... Resolution against liquidation in resolution planning: what is the criteria and the potential impact on MREL? Introduction The EU Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) introduced a dual regime for dealing with failed banks: (i) a resolution regime that is harmonised across the EU and applicable to such non-viable banks where such a regime is in the public... Digital Services Taxes: How “rough and ready” could become the new normal The UK’s Digital Services Tax (“DST”), which is a 2% levy on certain revenues derived from search engines, social media services and online marketplaces, is set to apply with effect from 1 April 2020, with the first payments being due in 2021. The UK gove... Digital Services Taxes: How “rough and ready” could become the new normal The UK’s Digital Services Tax (“DST”), which is a 2% levy on certain revenues derived from search engines, social media services and online marketplaces, is set to apply with effect from 1 April 2020, with the first payments being due in 2021. The UK gove... Is your website Brexit ready? The recent publication by the European Commission of a number of updated Brexit stakeholder notices are a timely reminder for organisations to check that their websites will be ready in the event of a no-deal Brexit at the end of the transition period. Fo... How do you explain AI? Final guidance now published As AI solutions become more prevalent, customers and regulators are demanding increased information about their use, particularly where they are used to make decisions affecting individuals. But how should you go about explaining your AI use? Where your A... Cheeky Devils left Red-faced - High Court rejects Manchester United’s procedural request in video game case Football and video games have a successful history together. But what happens when a video games company uses one of the biggest names in the sport without their consent, and gamers can download trade mark protected material from third parties for use in ... Brexit, tax and the fundamental freedoms With the chaos of COVID-19, it is easy to forget that the end of the Brexit transition period steadily approaches. As it stands, no binding deal has been agreed covering tax, and so companies will do well to dust off plans made for no-deal Brexit and cons...