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Pensions Essentials - March 2024 Pensions Essentials - January 2024 Pensions Essential - October 2023 Disputes Briefcase A regular digest of key developments in litigation and arbitration, produced by members of our market-leading disputes team. Making waves: IEA’s Roadmap to Net Zero by 2050 Last week, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released its landmark Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector report offering the world's first comprehensive roadmap for transitioning the global energy system to net zero carbon by 2050. ... ESG for directors of HKEX listed issuers - where things are and the way forward The massive quantity of materials on ESG can be overwhelming. This briefing provides a quick reference on the latest Hong Kong Listing Rule requirements for ESG reporting and the role and responsibilities of the listed issuers’ directors on ESG governance... Corporate Group Liability and ESG - A good time to review For corporate groups, addressing Environment, Social and Governance factors (ESG) successfully will require a co-ordinated effort across the whole of the group. New legislation and case law including Okpabi, Vedanta and Maran , as well as a general harden... Greenwashed? The Intensifying Scrutiny of Sustainability Credentials The phenomenon, commonly known as “greenwashing”, where businesses overstate their green credentials deliberately or otherwise, is under ever-increasing scrutiny. COP26 highlighted important global initiatives to support governments, activists and other s... Putting the G in ESG - How activists target governance issues While activists continue to agitate for change on issues such as M&A strategy, operational failings and climate, one area that activists also target under the banner of ESG is governance.  Activists are making increasing use of governance issues... Water security and scarcity: rising up the political and corporate agenda Water security is a tier one issue for many societies and businesses, yet for years it has had a lot less attention than other sustainability-related issues, including greenhouse gas emissions reduction. The UN and the investment community are now bringin...