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Collective DC Schemes: Where are we now? The Pension Schemes Act 2015 providing the legislative framework for Collective DC Schemes received Royal Assent on 3rd March, 2015. Since then: we have had a General Election in which the then Pensions Minister (Steve Webb) lost his seat we have a n... Views of Dr Ros Altmann (the new Pensions Minister) previously expressed on Collective Defined Contribution Schemes Below is a summary of what Dr Altmann has said in the past in relation to collective defined contribution (CDC) schemes: A. INTRODUCTION 1. Dr. Ros Altmann was appointed Minister of State for Pensions on 11th May, 20151. 2. This note summarises wh... Demand guarantees: the consideration dilemma A curious problem has emerged in the context of demand guarantees (sometimes called "performance bonds" or "independent guarantees"). Consideration, a necessary component of a valid contract under English law, is frequently absent or ... Collective benefit schemes in the UK: Where have we got to? This paper was prepared by Philip Bennett for the IPEBLA annual conference workshop on defined ambition/shared risk/collective DC plans and other innovative designs Covers the UK background to legislation to establish collective benefit schemes, the move... EMIR - Gearing up for Clearing - PART II An overview of the structure of client clearing, together with key points for consideration when choosing a clearing member to enter into client clearing arrangements with. With mandatory central clearing of OTC derivative transactions through central co... P&E Update: Pensions Bulletin Topics covered in this bulletin: 6th April, 2015 Changes DB to DC transfers and conversions: New requirement for trustees to check member has received independent financial advice Regulator’s communication materials updated Cases Meaning o... P&E Update: Employment/Employee Benefits Bulletin (14 May 2015) Topics covered in this bulletin: New Teleconference Collective redundancies - where are we now? New Law General Election 2015: what does a Conservative government mean for employment law? Cases Round-Up ECJ: Collective redundancies "at ... Online hotel bookings - a joint European approach or a most favoured nation? Ten competition authorities across Europe have been investigating online hotel bookings. The French, Italian and Swedish authorities recently announced their decisions to accept identical commitments to settle their investigations. The case involved unpr... The recast EC Insolvency Regulation - progress so far and next steps This article considers the key changes anticipated by the recast Council Regulation (EC) 1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings (ECIR) as they will affect corporate insolvencies. It also briefly examines the amendment intended to clarify the relationship be... General Election 2015: What does it mean for employment law? This briefing summarises the key issues of employment law as contained in the manifestos of the three main political parties. The General Election will take place on 7th May 2015. A number of employment law issues have featured prominently on the party p...