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Filing tax returns becomes a high risk occupation
In the 2020 Finance Bill, the Italian Government announced its intention to combat tax evasion, thought to cost more than 100 billion Euros a year to a national budget in constant deficit. In these times of blaring proclamations, politicians are marketi...
Tax on cryptoassets: HMRC’s latest guidance for business
In December 2018, I wrote a blog about HMRC’s guidance for individuals on the taxation of cryptoassets. HMRC has, nearly a year later, followed up with guidance for business on the tax treatment of exchange tokens, such as bitcoin. The guidance notes that...
Dutch based in-house tax departments can be intermediaries under DAC6
As the 31 December 2019 deadline for the implementation of DAC6 into the national legislation of EU Member States draws closer, legislators across the EU little by little shed more light on the scope of application of DAC6. In the most recent explanatory...
Discriminatory tax treatment of foreign Real Estate Investment Funds (REIFs)
Are closed-ended Italian REIFs and open-ended REIFs in a comparable position for Italian indirect tax purposes? The ECJ is set to address this question within months (C-479/19). The request for a preliminary ruling was referred by the Italian Supreme Cour...
Putting the ML into AML
The FCA and Bank of England have recently published the findings of their first ever survey of the use of machine learning (ML) in financial services firms. The conclusions from the survey are that there has been significant uptake and deployment of ML in...
Conforming interpretation revisited
The UK’s First-tier Tax Tribunal's decision in Panayi has been published. Whilst the case was reminiscent of Gallaher (previously discussed by Sara Luder), the Judge reached what looks like an opposing conclusion. Panayi concerned a capital gains tax e...
Freedom to move capital to (or from) overseas territories
Transfers between the UK and Jersey are, according to the UK Supreme Court, within the scope of the freedom of movement of capital under what is now article 63 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Routier v HMRC concerned a potential l...
The General Court’s Starbucks and FIAT rulings: what’s new and what’s not
The long-awaited judgments by the General Court of the EU – on whether unlawful stated aid purportedly granted by the Netherlands and Luxembourg to Starbucks and FIAT – have received much public attention. And with good reason. While applying state aid ru...
Dutch 2020 Budget: the end of an era
The Dutch government has released its budget plans for 2020, as well as certain tax proposals. The introduction of a withholding tax on interest and royalties marks a significant policy shift. This measure and other key items of interest for international...
Introducing Insta-contracts
In pursuit of reaching a wider audience, the New York Public Library (NYPL) recently ran a project to adapt classic literature to Instagram’s small screen story format. The NYPL worked alongside design agencies to prepare easily digestible content. The te...