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Showing 10 of 467 results for "brexit"
Pensions Essentials February 2024 Tax News Highlights Podcast Archive Pensions: what's coming? Competition & Regulatory Newsletter: Advocate General Kokott proposes that European Court of Justice uphold Google Shopping fine On 11 January, Advocate General Kokott handed down her opinion that the European Court of Justice should confirm Google’s €2.4 billion fine for favouring its own comparison shopping service in its general search results. The case goes to the cr... Competition & Regulatory Newsletter: Altice loses appeal against European Commission gun-jumping fine Altice loses appeal against European Commission gun-jumping fine On 9 November the European Court of Justice handed down its judgment confirming that the Commission was right to fine Altice for gun-jumping. The Court nevertheless reduced the amount of th... Competition & Regulatory Newsletter: Two Advocate General opinions issued in relation to sports competitions: European Super League and International Skating Union cases In recent weeks, Advocate General Rantos has issued two opinions that could have a significant impact on future cases related to sports competitions, should the European Court of Justice agree with the Attorney General’s conclusions. In the European... Competition & Regulatory Newsletter (28 April - 11 May 2021) European Commission fines Sigma-Aldrich for providing incorrect and misleading information during merger investigation European Commission fines Sigma-Aldrich for providing incorrect and misleading information during merger investigation On 3 May 2021 t... The Law Reviews Two deals by Chinese companies blocked under the UK’s National Security and Investment Act Since the introduction of the National Security and Investment Act 2021 (the NSIA or the Act) in January 2022, the UK government has now twice exercised its powers under the Act to block a transaction on national security grounds. Both instances relate to... Competition & Regulatory Newsletter: Political agreement reached on EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation On 30 June 2022 the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament reached provisional political agreement on a regulation to control foreign subsidies that distort the EU internal market. The Foreign Subsidies Regulation, or FSR, will directly...