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Showing 10 of 467 results for "brexit"
Employment Bulletin - August 2022 Topics covered in this bulletin: Government guidance on employment status Employer could dismiss and re-engage employees with protected pay Court of Appeal confirms dismissal of whistleblower for criticising colleague was not automatically unfair Te... Balancing Security and Sustainability: Does the UK Energy Bill 2022 measure up? The long-awaited Energy Security Bill (the Bill) was laid before Parliament on 6 July. The Bill is a crucial piece of legislation for the UK’s energy transition ambitions and energy security, including powers to support technologies such as low carb... A new dawn for vertical agreements in the EU and UK? Ten years after the European Commission introduced the first Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER), it was faced with assessing whether this tool was still fit for purpose in a business environment transformed by the growth in online sales and the ri... EFIG: European Banking Newsletter - June 2022 Developments in this month's edition include: TARGET2-Securities - ECB publishes Annual Report 2021 Desks mapping review - ECB considers integration of Brexit banks in European banking supervision Resolution framework public interest assessment -... The Banking Regulation Review - 13th edition - United Kingdom Chapter This 13th edition of The Banking Regulation Review contains chapters on the UK and Hong Kong as well as on International Initiatives and an overview of the European Union 2022 in some respects offer the prospect of a return to normal for the sector after... Pensions Bulletin - April 2022 In this month's Pensions Bulletin, we cover:  Pensions Regulator’s Annual Funding Statement – key messages for trustees and employers on valuations and risk management in the light of current market challenges. Pensions Regul... Competition & Regulatory Newsletter: Big changes for Big Tech regulation: EU institutions reach agreement on the DMA On 25 March 2022 the EU institutions reached provisional political agreement on the text of the Digital Markets Act. The DMA marks a shift towards ex ante regulation of Big Tech. It will ban certain conduct per se based on the assumed market power of desi... Data Privacy Newsletter - Issue 18 In this issue: Post-Lloyd Developments; ICO's Enforcement Actions Under Scrutiny, Soriano v Forensic News LLC; Regulator Guidance; ICO Enforcement Overview; EU GDPR Enforcement Overview; Views from... the Middle East; Data Privacy at Slaughter and May... Pensions Bulletin - February 2022 Pensions dashboards; Climate risk governance and reporting; International Data Transfer Agreement; Collective Money Purchase Schemes; trustee decision to pay death benefits to dependant In this month’s Pensions Bulletin, we cover: Consultation o... Competition & Regulatory Newsletter: General Court protects the European Commission from financial liability for its errors in assessing the UPS/TNT merger On 23 February 2022 the European General Court refused to award the €1.742 billion claimed by UPS from the European Commission, despite finding that the Commission breached its procedural rules when it blocked UPS’s acquisition of rival, TNT. ...