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Showing 10 of 467 results for "brexit"
Data Privacy Newsletter - Issue 20 In this issue: Regulator guidance, DPDI Reform, EU-US and UK-US transfers, ICO call for views on PETs, views from Australia, Data Protection and Privacy at Slaughter and May. The past few months have been turbulent ones with political and economic upheav... The Legal 500: Blockchain Country Comparative Guide 2022 - UK chapter The Blockchain Country Comparative Guide aims to provide an overview of the law and practice of blockchain law across a variety of jurisdictions. This chapter relates to UK law.   Blockchain Market Overview Please provide a high-level overview o... Pensions Bulletin - June 2021 In this month’s Pensions Bulletin, we review two publications from the Pensions Regulator (TPR) - the Annual Funding Statement and consultation on a revised Code of Practice on Contribution Notices in the light of the extension of TPR’s powers... The EU rules on State aid Guide to the rules on State aid within the EU This publication provides an overview of the EU rules on State aid. First, it looks at the notion of State aid - in particular, the conditions that must be satisfied for there to be aid under the EU regime. I... Pensions Bulletin - April 2021 In this month’s Pensions Bulletin, we look at new guidance for employers and trustees on helping employees with pension options without the risk of contravening financial services legislation. We cover two ESG developments – the new clima... Competition & Regulatory Newsletter (24 March - 13 April 2021) European Commission publishes results of its evaluation of EU merger control rules   European Commission publishes results of its evaluation of EU merger control rules On 26 March 2021 the European Commission published the findings of its evaluatio... Pensions Bulletin - March 2021 In this month’s Pensions Bulletin, we consider three significant consultations regarding the Pension Regulator (TPR) and its powers: the proposed approach of TPR to the new criminal sanctions under the Pension Schemes Act 2021 (PSA), the draft conso... Employment Bulletin - March 2021 TUPE service provision changes; drivers were workers not self-employed; public interest test; whistleblowing detriment; Gender pay gap reporting; “all reasonable steps” defence to harassment European Court ruling on multiple transferees appli... Competition & Regulatory Newsletter (24 February - 9 March 2021) CAT upholds CMA decision that Lexon acted anti-competitively in sharing information about the supply of nortriptyline CAT upholds CMA decision that Lexon acted anti-competitively in sharing information about the supply of nortriptyline In its judgment o... Has the Chancellor really just announced a UK corporation tax rise of over 30%? TLDR – yes, it seems he has. The Chancellor is still trumpeting the rate as the lowest in the G7, even after the rise. But for those watching as the effective corporate tax rate shoots up above those of many of the UK’s competitors, the impact...