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Showing 10 of 467 results for "brexit"
Is your website Brexit ready? This briefing looks at how changes to the e-commerce regime post-Brexit may impact your website. As the possibility of the UK leaving the EU with no deal increases, organisations are redoubling their efforts to finalise Brexit plans. But what does this m... Brexit Essentials: The Customs Union Our latest Brexit Essentials recalls the characteristics and consequences of a potential customs union between the EU and the UK. The possible formation of a customs union between the EU and the UK after Brexit has recently emerged as a central topic of ... Brexit Essentials: The Final Countdown for UK Listed Companies Our latest Brexit Essentials highlights the key considerations in these areas for UK listed companies as we enter the final countdown. “Exit day” is here and the UK remains a member of the European Union. If Mrs May’s deal is appro... Brexit Essentials: What next for debt capital markets? This briefing explores the three possible outcomes for Brexit and what is next for debt capital markets. Whatever happens in parliament and even if Brexit is delayed for a period, there are essentially three possible outcomes to Brexit. Either the UK rev... Brexit Essentials: Not so frustrating This briefing examines the High Court decision that the EMA's lease of its Canary Wharf headquarters will not be frustrated by Brexit The High Court has ruled that the European Medicines Agency’s lease of its Canary Wharf headquarters will not ... Brexit Essentials: Born of frustration This Briefing examines the doctrine of frustration, its application to leases and the likelihood of the EMA’s lease being held to be frustrated by Brexit. Canary Wharf has made a recent application to the High Court for a ruling that Brexit will no... Brexit Essentials: Deal or No deal - State aid This briefing summarises the challenges that might arise in relation to the state aid regime in a “deal” or “no deal” Brexit scenario In August 2018, the UK Government published a series of technical notices intended to help busin... Brexit Essentials: Jurisdiction agreements: new developments Briefing on English jurisdiction agreements and how they can be upheld in the EU27 post-Brexit. Considers Recast Brussels Regulation in context of draft Withdrawal Agreement In the latest of our Brexit Essentials series of briefings, we consider recently... Brexit Essentials: State aid in the UK post-Brexit - a familiar regime or a step into the unknown? State aid in the UK post-Brexit: a familiar regime or a step into the unknown? After intense speculation since the June 2016 referendum, the UK Government has announced that it is preparing to introduce a self-standing State aid regime in the UK post-Bre... Brexit Essentials: IP rights post-Brexit A review of IP rights post-Brexit in the light of the recent EU/UK agreement on some key IP issues in the draft Withdrawal Agreement Following months of silence, clarity on IP issues post-Brexit is emerging for the first time. On 19 March 2018, the EU an...