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Showing 10 of 679 results for "brexit"
Brexit, tax and the fundamental freedoms With the chaos of COVID-19, it is easy to forget that the end of the Brexit transition period steadily approaches. As it stands, no binding deal has been agreed covering tax, and so companies will do well to dust off plans made for no-deal Brexit and cons... UK based .eu domain name owners beware – Brexit is coming Are you one of some 142,000 UK based registrants of .eu domain names with a potentially big problem on their hands?  One consequence of Brexit is that from 1 January 2021 organisations established solely in the UK will no longer be entitled to hold a .eu ... UK based .eu domain name owners beware – Brexit is coming Are you one of some 142,000 UK based registrants of .eu domain names with a potentially big problem on their hands?  One consequence of Brexit is that from 1 January 2021 organisations established solely in the UK will no longer be entitled to hold a .eu ... FSMA Guide 2021 This latest edition of our Guide to the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 provides a guide to the UK's financial regulatory regime as at [1 December 2021]. It seeks to provide the reader with a manual to navigate what is an increasingly complex legi... Brexit Briefing: Implications for Intellectual Property Brexit: potential impacts on energy markets and regulation Brexit preparedness check: customs and trade in goods The briefing, produced jointly by the Best Friends group of BonelliErede, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Hengeler Mueller, Slaughter and May and Uría Menéndez, provides an overview of the anticipated arrangements for the movement of goods between the UK a... Parallel Reviews - Parallel Decisions? A look back at the first 12 months of EC & CMA merger reviews A look back at the first 12 months of EC & CMA merger reviews. One year of post-Brexit parallel merger control reviews by the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority and the European Commission has seen the authorities diverge in several cases. ... Global Investigations Bulletin (September 2021) Our latest Global Investigations Bulletin for September 2021 is now available. This month, we discuss the UK’s post-Brexit sanctions regulatory framework, and set out the latest news in global investigations and enforcement actions. Sanctions after Brexi... Pensions Bulletin bulk DC transfers; Money laundering; TRS registration; Retroactive change to amendment power; equitable right of recoupment; PPF compensation; Insolvency Directive; Auto-enrolment breach; Brexit Topics covered in this bulletin: New Law Guidance on bulk D...