Slaughter and May advised Legal & General Capital on its investment in the Kao Data Campus

Slaughter and May advised Legal & General Capital on its investment in the Kao Data Campus (“Kao”). The transaction completed on 7 February 2019.

From its first 35.2MW data campus in the London to Cambridge corridor, Kao serves hyperscalers and enterprise customers across the largest data centre market and technology cluster in Europe.

Legal & General Capital is partnering with the existing investors in Kao, Goldacre Noé Group.

Slaughter and May worked closely with Jasan Fitzpatrick, General Counsel, and Harriet Gallagher-Powell from the in-house legal team at Legal & General Capital.

James Cook Partner
Josephine Rabinowitz Knowledge Lawyer
John Nevin Partner
Richard Keczkes Head of Planning
Sarah Osprey Partner
Richard McDonnell Senior Counsel