Slaughter and May advised SEGRO European Logistics Partnership on the annual update of its EMTN programme

Slaughter and May advised SEGRO European Logistics Partnership S.à r.l. (‘SELP’) and its indirect subsidiary, SELP Finance S.à r.l. (‘SELP Finance’), on the annual update of SELP Finance’s €5,000,000,000 Euro Medium-Term Note Programme (the ‘Programme’).

SELP is a joint venture in which SEGRO plc ('SEGRO') owns a 50 per cent interest. It was established in October 2013 and owns €6.8 billion of big box warehouses and development land across seven Continental European countries. SEGRO acts as asset, property and development manager for SELP.

The Programme has the benefit of an irrevocable guarantee from SELP and is rated BBB+ by Fitch and Baa2 by Moody’s. The net proceeds of any notes issued under the Programme will be used principally to finance and/or refinance Eligible Green Projects as outlined in the SEGRO Green Finance Framework, as well as for general corporate purposes.

Kevin Howes Partner