The LMA: 25 Years in the Loan market – Kathrine Meloni reflects on the changing expectations of the role of the lawyer

1 min read

The Loan Market Association, in honour of its 25th anniversary, has prepared a book titled "The LMA: 25 Years in the Loan Market" which looks back on the last two and a half decades of the syndicated loan market, analysing its evolution over that time period.

Kathrine Meloni, Special Advisor in our Financing practice, contributed a chapter on the changing role of the lawyer.  She reflects on how the widespread uptake of the consistent framework for loan documentation provided by the LMA have required loan finance specialists to broaden their skill set and focus on those areas where they can add value. This increasingly includes advising borrowers on what terms represent a ‘good deal’ relative to comparable facilities (and other debt products), as well as on legal and regulatory issues. As the credit markets continue to evolve and the market for legal advice becomes ever more competitive, she concludes that an ability to meet and exceed client expectations in this regard, is fundamental.

Click here to download the chapter.

Please click here to access the full copy of the “The LMA: 25 Years in the Loan market” book.