Hong Kong: Sustainability webinar – recent developments

1 min read

On 15 June 2021, Peter Brien, senior partner in our Hong Kong office, hosted a webinar with Dr. Thomas Tang, CEO at PJ Sustainability Consulting and Adjunct Professor at City University of Hong Kong Business School, Grace Hui, Head of Green and Sustainable Finance at HKEX, and Lisa Chung, Partner at Slaughter and May. The webinar started with an overview of recent developments in corporate sustainability, considered the development of Hong Kong as a sustainable finance centre and highlighted some of the key issues for borrowers and issuers in sustainable finance.

Part 1 - Introduction

Part 2 - What is happening in the field of corporate sustainability?

Part 3 - Enhancing the sustainable and green finance ecosystem in Hong Kong and the region

Part 4 - Demystifying sustainable financing

Part 5 - Q&A

Part 6 - Closing comments