Competition and Regulatory Newsletter

1 min read

EU orders Luxembourg to recover €250 million in unpaid taxes from Amazon and takes action against Ireland to recover up to €13 billion from Apple in tax advantages

On 4 October 2017 the European Commission announced its decision that Luxembourg had granted Amazon illegal State aid in the form of anti-competitive tax benefits. Luxembourg must now recover approximately €250 million from Amazon. Also on 4 October the Commission announced its decision to refer Ireland to the European Court of Justice for failing to recover illegal tax benefits of up to €13 billion from Apple.

Also in this newsletter

  • CAT dismisses Balmoral’s information exchange appeal
  • TFTC imposes USD773 million fine and corrective order on Qualcomm for abuse of dominance
  • Ofgem publishes new Enforcement Guidelines and guidance on revised Standards of Conduct

Competition & Regulatory Newsletter (4 – 17 Oct 2017)