Competition and Regulatory Newsletter

1 min read

High Court finds that Visa’s UK card charges do not restrict competition

On Thursday 30 November 2017 the High Court handed down its judgment in Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd v Visa Europe Services LLC & Ors. This is the latest in a series of damages claims against MasterCard and Visa in the UK in relation to multilateral interchange fees. The overall finding in this latest decision is consistent with the High Court’s conclusion, reached in January 2017, in Asda Stores Limited & Ors v MasterCard, but many of the findings have in fact been reasoned on quite a different basis.

Also in the newsletter

  • CMA fines Hungryhouse for failure to comply with information request
  • MOFCOM’s conditional clearance of ASE/SPIL sees return of "hold-separate" remedy
  • FCA issues first statement of objections under its competition powers

Competition & Regulatory Newsletter (29 Nov - 12 Dec 2017)