Competition and Regulatory Newsletter

1 min read

General Court requires the European Commission to re-examine Lufthansa’s request to waive merger condition

The General Court of the European Union partially annulled a decision of the European Commission to refuse a waiver of pricing commitments entered into by Lufthansa when it acquired control of Swiss in 2005. The relevant commitments applied to two routes operated by Swiss. The ruling constitutes a setback for the Commission, and it must now re-examine the request in relation to commitments on one of the routes.

Also in this newsletter

  • European Commission issues roadmap for the evaluation of the future of the liner shipping consortia block exemption
  • European Commission conditionally clears ArcelorMittal/Ilva after Phase II
  • CMA publishes update paper recommending regulation of domestic heat networks

Competition & regulatory Newsletter (09 - 22 May 2018)