Brexit Essentials: Implementing Transition

1 min read

Phase II of the Brexit negotiations has concluded, the negotiators having reached consensus, among other things, on the terms of a transition period to follow formal departure from the EU in March 2019. With 12 months to go until the UK’s expected “exit” day, agreement that there is to be a period of transition is welcome, although there remains a widely held belief that the agreed 21 month period is not long enough - and a concern as to what happens if it turns out not to be.

Following on from our Brexit Essentials Briefing of 6 March, which outlined the contents of the EU’s initial draft Withdrawal Agreement and the parties’ positions on some of the main issues following Mrs May’s Mansion House speech, our latest Briefing provides an update on key developments and a reminder of the major milestones ahead. 

Brexit Essentials: Implementing Transition