The Lens Newsletter - September 2023

3 min read

'Groundbreaking' online safety law finally passes.

The UK’s new Online Safety Bill has finally been agreed, over two years after it was first introduced. The OSB, which the government boldly claims ‘will make the UK the safest place in the world to be online’, cleared its final parliamentary... Read more. 

New one-stop shop for UK AI and digital regulation.

The Government announced last week that, as part of its plans to design and deliver an AI regulatory framework, the DRCF will pilot a new multi-regulator service to help innovators develop their ideas “with regulatory compliance in mind.” Backed... Read more. 

Training Generative AI: Update in Progress.

As AI continues to develop, and more and more people become familiar with generative AI and its potential uses, the debate over how to balance the rights of AI developers and IP rightsholders continues to rage on. With players on both sides of the... Read more. 

Quantum computing threat: NIST publishes new quantum encryption standards.

Ratings agency Moody’s has recently warned that companies are “woefully unprepared” for the impact of quantum computing; in particular, its impact on security. The US government has a program to help combat this risk and last month the National... Read more. 

US adequacy by another name: UK-US data bridge process concludes.

Yesterday the UK Government announced its decision to establish a UK-US data bridge, a 'partial adequacy decision' in old terminology, for friction-free transfers of personal data from the UK to the US. Adequacy regulations have been laid before... Read more. 

CMA sets out early thinking on the impact of AI Foundation Models on competition and consumers.

Earlier this year, the UK Competition and Markets Authority announced the launch of an initial review into the impact of AI Foundation Models on consumers, businesses, and the economy. We covered the launch of the review in a previous blog post on... Read more.

ICO and NCSC sign joint MOU setting out how they will work together.

When managing a cyber incident, one pressing issue to consider is "who needs to be notified?" Clients are often prepared to discuss whether or not regulators and customers should be informed, but can be less certain when discussing whether to... Read more. 

It's not easy being green: AI's 'hidden' carbon footprint.

Recent media coverage has drawn attention to the important fact that, despite its seeming intangibility, AI is not cost-free from a carbon-accounting perspective. Environmental concerns should not eclipse AI’s clear potential to generate positive... Read more. 

DSA now in force for largest platforms.

Today, 25 August 2023, the Digital Services Act (“DSA”) takes effect for very large online platforms and search engines – the so-called VLOPs and VLOSEs. These are the big tech players (i.e. those platforms and search engines with more than 45... Read more. 

Fixation with your BFF? Court of Appeal paves way for Bitcoin File Format copyright claim to proceed.

The Court of Appeal has allowed Dr Craig Wright to press on with his copyright infringement claim in respect of the Bitcoin File Format (the “BFF”). Reversing the High Court’s recent ruling, the court found that Dr Wright does in fact have a real... Read more. 

FRAND decisions stack up as High Court rules in Optis v Apple.

Following hot on the heels of InterDigital v Lenovo (see here), the High Court has determined FRAND (Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory) terms for a licence of Standard Essential Patents (“SEPs”) for the third time. Adopting a “top down”... Read more. 

Cyber lessons we can all learn from the ICO's reprimand of BNT.

Given the number of cyber-attacks currently taking place, it’s always interesting to see what triggers a regulator to take action. The ICO’s recent reprimand to My Media World Ltd t/a Brand New Tube (‘BNT’) illustrates that a lack of regular pen... Read more.