The Lens Newsletter - July 2023

2 min read

Full steam ahead: China publishes interim generative AI measures.

New week, new measures: such is the current pace of regulatory change regarding AI, each week can bring major new developments in the regulatory landscape. On 13 July 2023, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) published a set of ‘Interim... Read more.

Biden makes new deal with leading AI companies.

As the AI related headlines keep coming, governments and regulators across the globe are starting to take action. The EU’s AI Act has taken much of the focus to-date, while the UK Government is moving at pace to flesh out its own, pragmatic,... Read more.

EU-US Data Privacy Framework adequacy decision adopted by European Commission: a solution for EU-US transfers (for now at least).

On 10 July, the European Commission announced the adoption of their adequacy decision for the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (the DPF), meaning that the free flow of personal data to the US can now resume, at least to US companies participating in... Read more.

IoT cybersecurity regulation picks up pace.

The regulatory framework for securing IoT devices is attracting the attention of both UK and EU regulators. In the EU, its Member States have recently agreed a common position on the proposed Cyber Resilience Act (which will deal with... Read more.

Code of Practice on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence – are we in for an endless summer?

As work on the UKIPO’s Code of Practice on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence gets underway, the UKIPO has published its Terms of Reference for the technical working group, together with a list of working group members. Whilst these appear to... Read more.

Recapping Regulation: A big week for fintech.

It is a good time to check in on the financial regulation lawyer in your life, following a deluge of regulatory updates as the UK sails towards its post-Brexit framework. Here, we recap the updates from the past week that matter to those in the... Read more.

Supporting emerging climate innovators: key takeaways from the Undaunted Innovation Hub panel.

During London Climate Action Week, Slaughter and May were invited to be a panellist for the Undaunted Innovation Hub Panel event at The Royal Institution on 27 June. The panel, chaired by Undaunted's director Alyssa Gilbert, considered how... Read more.

Marathon or sprint: China's approach to generative AI.

Generative AI’s recent and explosive launch into the public consciousness has unsurprisingly landed it firmly at the top of global regulatory agendas. Although large language models (LLMs), which underly offerings such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google... Read more.

New guidance for employers on data subject access requests.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published new guidance for employers on subject access requests (SARs). The ICO’s accompanying press release reports that, in the last year, 15,848 complaints relating to SARs were reported to the... Read more.