The Lens Newsletter - August 2020

2 min read

Parliament approves ICO code of practice which aims to make children safer online.

On 12 August the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) issued the long awaited Age appropriate design code of practice for online services, which seeks to enhance the safety of the online environment for children. The code, which has now been... Read more.

Brexit's impact on the new P2B (Platform to Business) Regulation.

This month the UK Government published a Brexit SI amending the EU’s new Platform to Business Regulation to ensure the regulation works for a post Brexit (or more accurately, post transition period) UK. What is the Platform to Business Regulation... Read more.

New AI guidance from ICO confirms retrofitting compliance rarely works.

The opening statement from the ICO’s new AI guidance states that “the innovation, opportunities and potential value to society of AI will not need emphasising to anyone reading this guidance” – I presume the same can be said of this blog. However,... Read more.

Consumer smart devices: spotlight on cyber security.

From wearables to home appliances, internet-connected smart devices are rapidly changing the way we live. The average consumer may not be losing much sleep over the prospect of their shiny new digital companion being hacked, but recent UK... Read more.

ICO signals an extended runway for Heathrow's facial recognition plans.

On 23 July 2020, the ICO published the first two reports in connection with the beta phase of its regulatory sandbox, one of which relates to Heathrow Airport's proposed use of facial recognition technology (“FRT”) to automate the passenger... Read more.

Crippled by comprehensiveness: are online marketplaces "similar" to direct sellers of similar goods?

The European courts are considering online/offline retail, again. Heard it all before? Worth tuning in again, as Advocate General Hogan has just handed down his opinion in the Wallapop case and it has some important repercussions for online... Read more.

Studies on AI adoption and checklists for AI trustworthiness – the EU gets busy on AI.

The EU has been busy this month progressing its AI agenda. A new EU study published today confirms that AI use across the EU is on the rise, and highlights some of the key barriers (both internal and external) to AI adoption. The Commission also... Read more.

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