The latest briefing on Regulating AI has been prepared by our Employment Group. You can view the full briefing on mobile here and desktop here.
The value of AI in employment has increased significantly in recent years, driven by pressures in the labour market for more remote working and greater efficiency, with the pace of change outstripping the legal and regulatory framework. AI can now regulate the entire employment cycle from recruitment through performance management, allocation of work, discipline and even dismissal. The following briefing considers the use of AI throughout the full employment cycle, practical tips for employers and how they can both maximise opportunities and minimise the risks that emerge from the use of AI. This is the latest piece in our Regulating AI series.
Find out more about our Regulating AI series: As AI adoption increases, and governments and regulators across the globe grapple with how best to regulate AI, Slaughter and May are producing a series of ‘Regulating AI’ thought pieces that will consider some of the legal issues that arise from developing and using AI solutions. See our Regulating AI hub for more details.