Financial Regulation Weekly Bulletin - 29 February 2024

1 min read

Includes developments in relation to: DORA; Basel Core Principles; LIBOR; Solvency II; and sanctions.  


  • DORA - European Commission adopts Delegated Regulation specifying the criteria for designation of ICT third-party service providers as critical for financial entities
  • Sexism in the City Inquiry - House of Commons Treasury Committee publishes correspondence with the FCA and HM Treasury following oral hearing

Beyond Brexit

  • Draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Disapplication or Modification of Financial Regulator Rules in Individual Cases) Regulations 2024 published

Banking and Finance

  • Basel Core Principles - BCBS approves final revisions
  • MREL - European Parliament adopts proposed Directive on MREL reforms to BRRD and SRM
  • De-Banking - House of Commons Treasury Committee publishes press release and correspondence regarding levels of SME accounts being closed by major banks

Securities and Markets

  • Wholesale Data Market Study - FCA publishes report
  • BMR - FCA publishes report on review of use of its Article 23D power for 3-month synthetic sterling LIBOR

Asset Management

  • AIFMD and UCITS Directive - Council of EU adopts amending Directive


  • Adapting Solvency II to the UK insurance market - The PRA publishes its second policy statement
  • Solvency II - PRA publishes policy statement setting out final reporting and disclosure policy (PS3/24)

Financial Crime

  • AMLA - Frankfurt to host the EU’s new AML authority
  • Russia sanctions regime - House of Commons Treasury Committee publishes Call for Evidence on effectiveness


  • Enforcement Guide - FCA consults on a new approach to publicising enforcement investigations