Financial Regulation Weekly Bulletin - 25 April 2024

2 min read

Includes developments in relation to: ESG ratings; CSDDD; AI; Big Tech and financial services; anti-greenwashing; SDR; PSR; PSD3; CRD VI; CRR III; CMDI framework; debanking; financial stability; private equity; Open Banking; ex ante contributions to SRF; EMIR 3; SME access to capital; CCP testing; Solvency II; IRRD; environmental and social risks; BSPS redress scheme; motor finance; and AML reforms.


  • Proposed Regulation on ESG rating activities and CSDDD - European Parliament votes to adopt legislation
  • Navigating the UK's digital regulation landscape - FCA publishes speech and launches AI and Digital Hub
  • Data asymmetry between Big Tech and financial services firms - FCA publishes feedback statement on impact on competition (FS24/1)
  • Anti-greenwashing rule and extension of SDR and labelling regime - FCA publishes final guidance (FG24/3) and launches consultation (CP24/8)
  • Approach to AI - Bank of England, PRA and FCA respond to government paper

Beyond Brexit

  • Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Disapplication or Modification of Financial Regulator Rules in Individual Cases) Regulations 2024 published

Banking and Finance

  • PSR and PSD3 - European Parliament adopts proposed Regulation and Directive
  • CRD VI and CRR III - European Parliament votes to adopt amending Regulation and Directive
  • CMDI framework reforms - European Parliament votes to adopt legislative proposals
  • Increase in debanking complaints - Treasury Select Committee publishes correspondence
  • Financial stability risks posed by private equity - Bank of England publishes speech
  • Wholesale cash distribution market oversight - Bank of England finalises codes of practice
  • Private equity-related financing activities - PRA publishes Dear CRO letter and speech on thematic review
  • ARs undertaking credit broking - FCA highlights good practice and improvement areas
  • Open Banking next phase - JROC publishes proposals for design of future entity
  • Commercial variable recurring payments model clauses - UK Finance publishes report
  • Dexia v Single Resolution Board, (Case T-411/22) EU:T:2024:216

Securities and Markets

  • EMIR 3 - European Parliament votes to adopt amending Regulation and Directive
  • SME access to capital - European Parliament votes to adopt legislative proposals
  • Outcomes of global CCP fire drill - ESMA publishes report
  • 2024 CCP supervisory stress test - Key elements published by Bank of England
  • Risk management and electronic trading algorithms - FMSB publishes statement of good practice


  • Solvency II and IRRD - European Parliament adopts proposed Directives
  • Prudential treatment of environmental and social risks - ESRB publishes advice to EIOPA
  • Restatement of assimilated law following Solvency II review - PRA consults (CP5/24)
  • Regulatory developments for bulk purchase annuities sector - PRA publishes speech
  • BSPS consumer redress scheme - FCA publishes main decision letter
  • Affordability of motor premium finance - ABI publishes principles

Financial Crime

  • AML Regulation, MLD 6 and AMLA Regulation - European Parliament and European Commission vote to adopt legislative package


  • FCA proposal to publicise enforcement investigations - Financial Services Regulation Committee criticises CP24/2
  • Unauthorised investment management activities - FCA commences criminal proceedings against individual