Fast Forward
Throughout our history, Slaughter and May has both supported and practised entrepreneurialism and innovation. Fast Forward is our emerging tech incubation programme which supports the work of technology entrepreneurs and innovators. Through the programme we share our market-leading expertise with a new generation of tech entrepreneurs and innovators, whose businesses have the potential to deliver meaningful improvements or increased competition across a broad range of business sectors.
Our Fast Forward programme offers participants up to 100 hours of value add services including:
Support from our Emerging Tech and Fintech Team’s legal experts in technology, financial services, intellectual property, data, employment, competition and company law.
Access to model legal documents – including non‑disclosure agreements, employment contracts and intellectual property transfers.
Introductions and networking opportunities through Slaughter and May’s existing networks and Fast Forward’s consultative panel of leading industry and legal professionals.
Tailored individual coaching and development sessions in crucial areas such as pitching, presentations, people management, communications and negotiation.

How valuable is the advice companies receive in the Fast Forward programme?
Shefali Roy, COO of API provider TrueLayer, which helps companies simplify the open banking market, explains why Fast Forward helped make a difference to the organisation. This video was filmed when we caught up with TrueLayer earlier this year.
How does Fast Forward help start-up companies grow?
James Blackham, co-founder of By Miles, which aims to provide fairer car insurance for lower mileage drivers, explains how being part of Fast Forward’s first cohort helped the company take off. This video was filmed when we caught up with By Miles earlier this year.
Slaughter and May is committed to supporting the start-up community during this challenging time through its Fast Forward programme.

What kind of growth do companies involved in Fast Forward see?
Phil Davies, co-founder of revolutionary e-commerce delivery system Magway, explains how Fast Forward helped his organisation grow. This video was filmed when we caught up with Magway earlier this year.