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I am not a first year student. Can I still apply for the spring open days?

If you are a second year student on a four-year degree, you are eligible to apply for the spring open days.

If you are a second year law student on a four-year degree, you are also eligible to apply for the spring scheme.

I am studying a four-year course, when should I apply for work experience?

If you are a law student, you can apply for the spring scheme and spring open days in your first or second year.

If you are a non-law student, you can apply for the spring open days in your first or second year.

You can apply for summer work experience schemes in your penultimate year.

I am applying for the spring open day but I do not have any exam results yet. How should I approach this section of the application form?

We appreciate that you may not have any results yet. Please mention this in your application and include any predicted grades, essay or coursework results you have received to date if you have them, or just put N/A for this section of the application form.

Can I still apply for the spring work experience scheme if I’m not from an ethnic minority or lower socio-economic background?

Yes, you can. We will review all applications for our spring work experience scheme, although priority will be given to successful applications from candidates from an ethnic minority and/or lower socio-economic background.

Some of my exams were cancelled due to COVID-19. How should I approach this section of the application form?

We appreciate that many students will be in this position. Please mention this in your application and include any predicated grades, essay or coursework results you received during those years instead.

I have already provided all of my results on the application form. Do I need to include them on my CV as well?

Yes, please include the breakdown of your academic results on both the application form and CV.

Are there minimum A level requirements?

Good A-Level grades are not a strict requirement. All applications are welcome and will be reviewed by our recruitment partners based on their own merits. If you have any mitigating circumstances that affected any of your academic results, we recommend that you include them in your application.

What information should I include in my cover letter?

Your cover letter should tell us about you, why you are interested in a career in law and why you are applying to Slaughter and May. You may like to reference virtual internships you have completed or law firm events/university events you have attended to support this.

You should also include any other information which you think may be relevant to your application.

Please ensure that your cover letter is no longer than one side of A4 and address it to Janine Arnold, Head of Recruitment. You do not need to include your address or the address of the firm on the cover letter.

You can find more tips on preparing your cover letter in this video.

What information should I include in my CV?

We recommend that your CV is no more than two sides of A4. The information included should be factual – tell us what you have done, where and when.

You must demonstrate evidence of an interest in, and commitment to, a career in commercial law through, for example, open days, virtual internships, virtual or in-person law firm events/university events such as law fairs or firm presentations, or legal work experience.

You should include details of everything you have been involved with, whether or not these activities are related to a career in law. We want to understand your journey and how you spend your time outside of your studies.

You can find more tips on preparing your CV in this video.

Can I use generative AI to help me complete your online application process?

Strong applications will be authentic and personal to you. The use of generative AI to help you prepare your application may result in inaccuracies and a lack of originality and creativity.

I attended school outside of the UK so I do not have GCSE or A Level results. How should I approach this section of the application form?

Please provide details of all equivalent exams taken. You may choose to provide this information in your CV instead. Please also provide an explanation of the grading system either as an additional attachment or in the relevant section of the application form.

My university does not use a percentage grading system. Should I recalculate my marks?

No, you should input your marks as they appear on your academic transcript. Please also provide an explanation of the grading system either as an additional attachment or in the relevant section of the application form.

Who should I provide as my referee?

Please provide at least one academic referee. If you are currently in employment, you can provide your employer as a second referee. We do not take up references for the spring open days, so there is no need to provide a referee if you are applying for this vacancy.

I am studying oversees, but would like to train as a solicitor in the UK. Can I apply for your work experience schemes?

Yes, all applications are welcome. However, we do not sponsor nor provide visas for the purpose of our work experience schemes. If you do not have a British passport or settled status (such as permanent residence or indefinite leave to remain), the offer to attend our work experience scheme is conditional on your having permission to enter or remain in the UK. You must have an immigration status that permits employment. This could be one of the following:

  • Student Visa (Tier 4) - For more information, please see the following link: https://www.gov.uk/student-visa. If we offer you a place on our work experience scheme, this is conditional on you providing a letter from your university confirming that the work experience scheme lies outside your term dates.
  • Youth Mobility Visa (Tier 5) - For more information, please see the following link: https://www.gov.uk/tier-5-youth-mobility
  • UK Ancestry Visa - For more information, please see the following link: https://www.gov.uk/ancestry-visa

Please note that the above list is not exhaustive. Please ensure you state your eligibility to work in the UK on your application form. Please also note that we will not reimburse work experience scheme applicants for the cost of any immigration related application submitted in order to partake in the scheme, nor any costs relating to attending the scheme itself (such as overseas travel or transportation).

Do you provide feedback on unsuccessful applications?

Due to the large number of applications we receive, we are only able to provide feedback following an interview.

Are your work experience schemes assessed?

No, our work experience schemes are not formally assessed by the Trainee Recruitment Team. For those who complete a summer scheme, your supervisor will provide us with some written feedback on your time with us.

I am currently studying a two year accelerated law degree, which work experience opportunities would I be eligible for?

If you are in your first year of a two-year accelerated degree, you are eligible to apply for the summer work experience schemes.

Can I apply for the summer work experience scheme if I am in the final year of my undergraduate degree but am planning to study for a masters, law conversion course (e.g. PGDL) or SQE prep course?

No, the summer work experience scheme is restricted to those in the penultimate year of their undergraduate degree. You should consider the virtual insight afternoons which are aimed at finalists and graduates. Alternatively, if you already have legal work experience and/or you feel ready to apply directly for a training contract, we would encourage you to do so.

I have already completed an undergraduate degree but I am currently in my first year of another undergraduate degree, am I considered a graduate or a first year student?

You would be considered a first-year student and would therefore be eligible for the spring open days and the spring scheme (if you are studying a law degree).

If I complete a summer scheme, can I interview for a training contract as part of this?

Yes, we offer training contract interviews at the end of our summer schemes.

Do I need to complete work experience with you to be considered for a training contract?

No. Although completing work experience with us will give you a greater insight into the firm, it is not necessary to have completed work experience with us, or indeed with any other firm, to have a successful training contract application. However, if you do not have any legal work experience on your CV, you should be sure to demonstrate your interest in and commitment to a career in commercial law through, for example, open days, virtual internships, virtual or in-person law firm events/university events such as law fairs or firm presentations.

Do you offer any work experience opportunities to school students?

If you are in Year 12 at school and looking for work placements and insight opportunities, we have two schemes available: Lead in to Law and Excellerators. You can find out more about both schemes here.

Is there a prayer and contemplation room available to use during my work experience/visit to the firm?

Yes, we have a prayer and contemplation room in our London office which is open for all to use. There are prayer mats and a small variety of prayer clothing available in the drawers of the room. Ablution (wudu) facilities are also available nearby. Please speak to the trainee recruitment team on the day if you would like to use the prayer and contemplation room.

If you have a question which has not been answered here, please contact the Trainee Recruitment Team via email or on 020 7090 4454. (Enquiries only - we do not accept applications by email).

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