Our social side

We're lucky that we enjoy each other's company, and this extends into social, community outreach and sporting activities. We will encourage you to continue with the interests that made you interesting to us.

Once you join us, there are plenty of activities to get involved with – with the trainee group, your legal group and the rest of the firm.

Our Trainee Solicitors' Committee is a group run by trainees across all intakes that represents the trainee body to the firm. It also organises activities at various venues in London throughout the year, including a welcome event for new trainees.

We have a variety of networks and clubs, including football, netball, rugby, gardening, art and a book club, which are open to everyone. The firm also holds an annual dinner dance.

The firm’s community and pro bono projects offer you the chance to use your skills to have a positive social impact. From tutoring young people from less-advantaged backgrounds, to advising vulnerable people at our local law centre, we believe in providing a variety of volunteering opportunities to enable as many people as possible to get involved. This is not just the right thing to do – it is good for the firm and our people. It is part of our culture.


The firm has eleven employee networks, which are supported by partners. Collectively, they form a Network of Networks that work collaboratively with each other and the firm to create a more open-minded and inclusive working environment.

Each network offers an informal support mechanism for employees with similar backgrounds, outlooks or interests and they all host a number of events throughout the year, ranging from inspirational lunchtime talks to social evenings. These events are open to everyone and are a great way to meet new people in the firm.