Our international approach
Flexibility in a fast-moving world.
Quality is at the heart of everything we do

Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We have a team dedicated to managing our relationships with overseas law firms, working alongside Country Partners, to ensure we can deliver a seamless international service for our clients. We are able to assemble the best teams on any matter, in any given jurisdiction, at any given time. That takes a depth of knowledge about the markets in which we operate and flexibility to adapt to our clients' needs. Our model demands that we invest heavily in our international relationships, and have built and developed these over the years through regular travel, our long-running secondment programmes and regular expertise sharing and joint initiatives with our relationship firms. Trainees and associates have a role to play with this from day one, including when working alongside these global relationship firms for our clients as well as proactively development them via our Country Teams if wishing to be part of these efforts.
How do you do it?
The team works closely with the lawyers to identity the right law firm for each transaction. Our relationships are built over many years of working together and they are constantly evolving to meet the needs of our clients.
We invest a lot of time and resources in getting to know our relationship firms better. We hold joint training programmes, knowledge-sharing initiatives, secondment programmes, conferences and client events all over the world.
Let’s take Africa. We have good relationships across the continent and we know these firms really well. Our partners are on the ground regularly and we have seconded lawyers to some of our relationship firms. We also host an annual Legal Exchange Symposium, which brings together over 100 lawyers from across Africa for a two-day event in which we exchange knowledge on various topics including ESG. This level of commitment to building relationships is applied worldwide. It is key to our success.